Life, Love, and Bubbles!

Life, Love, and Bubbles!

Friday, November 26, 2010


To begin I would like to say that this was the first time in my life that I ever went Black Friday shopping. My mommy and I went to Target at 4am, there was a line around the building - but we didn't have to wait since they opened a side door ;) My mom got her new Dyson vacuum, and I got Emery a baby Aurora doll for 4.99 (that wasn't the plan, but I saw her at the checkout (someone had abandoned her) and I just... I couldn't help myself. I am proud to say though that the 4.99 doll was the only unneeded/unhelpful thing I bought today. We then went to Kohls where I got Emery's bedding for an amazing price ($100 for $35), as well as a number of other essentials. Anyway, this is boring - but long story short at the end of the day Emery got the twin mattress she needs (happiness!) and I got new pants :) YAY!

Now lets talk about Thanksgiving (which we celebrated today, Friday). First of all, Alex watched Emery from 7am (when she woke) until after 2pm so that my mom and I could nap after shopping and finished our errands once we woke up (i had my dress fitting and mom had to cook!) How amazing is he? This leads into what is really on my mind, and that is how thankful I am. On my facebook I have posts from past years and past thanksgiving's. I remember how hard it was imagining my daughter growing up without a father, and having to raise a child by myself. But I prayed about it and God answered quickly and wonderfully. Now I am getting married in 14 days to a man I never thought could exist. I love this guy so much, and I can't imagine my life without him.
And dear Emery... what a little princess she is turning out to be. I've been getting frustrated with her recently (thanks to the word "NO!" and "MINE!") but still... every day I am blown away at how much I love her. She is turning into such a little person. She can tell me things now, she PRETENDS (which still blows my mind), and she just talks... all the time! Love it. Cutest thing the other night. She wanted her elephant stuffed animal (Ellie, who had been left at Daddys). I told her that she had to go to sleep and that when she woke up we would go and get Ellie. She laid down, pulled her blanket up, and said "nighe-nighe mommy." hehe! Happy :)

Wedding... in 14 days! I can't believe I'm getting married. I am so excited! I can't wait to be real family together, set things up in the apartment, and make breakfast/dinner for man and baby. :)

I need more turkey sleep time. Sorry to end so suddenly.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Going home!

Finally, our hotel stay is coming to an end. It does not seem like we have been here since August 15th!...but we have. Our house is in complete disarray right now... but the bedrooms are looking beautiful. The wallpaper in my room (my moms old room) is now GONE. As wonderful as the floral pattern was, I must say the soft green I picked out (mom doesn't trust her own taste) is gorgeous. It will be so fun to live in that room for the next 2 months... then I'll be moving into the apartment with my husband! So, here is to tomorrow/today and moving back home!/moving in to Granny's house for the weekend, until the house is baby-proof again.

Update on school: I'm almost done. I met with my adviser a few weeks ago and I am good to go for June graduation. The two classes I need after this quarter are both being offered winter quarter (January-March.) Then I will be done with school forever! I can't wait. I am so tired of worrying about deadlines and grades, I just want to worry about taking care of my little family. I have, however, been so blessed by being able to complete my education - so I really can't complain about anything.

Alex update: He started at the Police Academy at the end of September. He's been doing an amazing job, and was appointed one of the squad leaders - I'm so proud of him. I am amazed that he is able to do all of the academy stuff (full-time, tons of work), be a commander in the INDIANA National Guard, and still be with me and Em all the time, and take care of us. I really can't even comprehend his work ethic - he really is my hero. I admire him so much, and am so thankful that Emmy and I have him in our lives. God has really taken care of us, and given us such a wonderful and perfect man! :)

Emery update!: This child is out of control. She is a little teenager, and I am amazed at how person-ish she is now. She understands everything I say to her, and she knows so many words! She has also started showing me what has happened when she hurts herself.
Alex bought her a potty and she is obsessed with it. She made the connection right away that the potty is where "boopie" goes. There have been multiple times where she has said "bobby (potty), boopie (poopy)" and then she goes poopy in her diaper. Gross to some people, but I am so proud of her for making that connection! What an amazing child.
Books are her absolute favorite thing. At the beginning of September I still had to nurse her to put her down for a nap and for bed time. One night I decided to try just reading to her instead... and I haven't had to nurse her at nap/night time since! She nurses when/if she wakes up in the middle of the night, and in the morning. But we're getting there!
She also loves finding "boo-boos." And scrape, cut, or piece of dust that has made its home on bare skin cannot escape her. She points at anything unusual on me or herself and says "booboo?" OH! She actually had on booboo that she has been pointing at for the last few days, a bug bite. Today I looked at it and it was swollen and puffy! Alex and I took her to CVS and they gave us some ointment for it. She made sure that I didn't forget she had a "booboo" there and that it "itch... itch...itch." Cutest baby award, again. I don't know what I will do when she actually gets really injured... if that ever happens. Walking out of CVS I felt a strong urge to buy her about 200 of the cheap stuffed animals they had there - just to make her feel better. I'm never going to have any money with such a toy-deserving child. Sigh.

Alex and I went back to Jared and finalized our decisions on our wedding bands. They are wonderful, we're going to have super sexy fingers :)

The end!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The past few weeks...

I am writing, and determined to remain a frequent update...r, and begin writing for fun again. It's ridiculous that I write so little nowadays.

So, some updates!

August: Alex decided to move to Ohio. As many probably know, getting a job here is pretty difficult. Yeah. Everything kept falling through and it was getting a little frustrating. I prayed that if God wanted Alex out here that He would open the doors the should be opened and shut the ones that should be shut. I just kept seeing a lot of doors being shut :( But then, while visiting him at his moms in Indiana, we began to talk about the police academy. We all got excited about the idea, and he decided to look into it - right then. Within a day he had his short application in, and by the end of the week had his physical, background check, etc. all turned in. My man was on top of things! He came here in the beginning of the month and we found an apartment (where he will live for now, and Em and I will live after the wedding.) We found an apartment that weekend and he got it right away.

The same weekend we found the apartment a tree fell on our house (moms house)! So me, mom, and Emmy are now living in a hotel, where we will be for an estimated 30 more days.

Alex moved out here by the 15th of August :) Now, I must mention that Alex and I, by ourselves, loaded ALL of his stuff from his storage unit into a moving truck and moved it out to Ohio. Thankfully Justin helped out once we got home - but my goodness, who knew this little girl had such strong muscles!? I think it's all the toddler lifting I do on a daily basis.

Having Alex here has been amazing. Emery knows that he is "special" and is already calling him daddy... well, "Dabby," "Dada," or "Dappy." It's the most adorable thing. Whenever she hears someone outside of the hotel door she asks, "Dabby? Dabby?" like she is always expecting him to come through the door. So sweet. Alex has also watched Emmy a lot so that I can get wedding shopping done, get my hair done, etc. It's so different and so wonderful having a partner with Emery, and a leader for our little family. He is already an amazing poppa bear :)

As for my beautiful daughter, here are some quick updates:

1) she now has 8 teeth!!! Four up top in the front, two bottom front, and one up/one down molars on the right side of her mouth. CUTE!
2) she is begging to put words and ideas together VERY well. This past week she has started repeating so many things. She knows so much too. For instance, while Alex was watching her, she walked over to her bookcase and said, "Bible," as she pulled out her Baby Bible from the shelf. She also says "Boobie"... yeah. I'm still nursing her. This was especially interesting when we were meeting with a caterer and she was sleepy. She climbed up on my lap, pulled my shirt, and cried, "Mommy! Boobie! Boobie mommy, boobie, boobie, boobie!" over and over and over. I actually blushed. It was so clear! Sigh. She's still my princess though :) And she also likes saying "Bubble" for her bubbles of course, and "Nah nah nah" when she wants to see a horse.
3) She climbs. This child gives me about 30 heart attacks a day. At one of the hotels we stayed at she climbed up a chair and onto a table in the time it took me to brush my hair, and was eating skittles (ummm, choking hazard much?!)
4) she loves opening drawers and hiding in closets. She also enjoys finding razors and bringing them to me. And finding a butcher knife and holding it towards me. I've had some terrifying moments with this tiny little person.
5) she has began to love sleeping and snuggling with me again. She went through a very indepedent phase where she didn't want me to snuggle her to sleep. I mean, she refused to sleep in bed with me. If she woke up at 3am and I brought her into bed with me she would just sit there for an house talking to me. The second I would take her to her room she would pass out. But not anymore!!! She wraps her little arms around me in bed and snuggles up to me. She actually pulls my hand and holds it under her chin. Oh. My. Goodness. Best moments :)
6) she kisses everything, and air kisses the things she knows she probably shouldn't kiss (like bugs.) She kisses the pictures in her books, she kisses the couch, her stuffed animals, any toy she is playing with, her food, nothingness. Her kisses are the sweetest most wonderful things in the world!
7) She loves holding hands! When me, alex, and her were at Target walking around (she was holding my hand) she pulled me over to Alex and began fussing. We couldn't figure out what she wanted until Alex lowered his hand and she took it. She wanted to hold both of our hands at the same time and walk in the middle of us :) AHHH! So sweet! THEN! We, plus my mom, were eating dinner. She reached over and took my hand, reached over and took Alex's hand, the looked at Grammy, fussed, thought about the situation, took Alex's finger in the hand that was holding mine, and then reached for Grammy. She figured out how to hold all 3 of our hands at once! Oh how I love her!

I have to sleep now, I'm exhausted! Luke Elkins and Audrey got married today/yesterday. It was beautiful and wonderful, and made me cry! Love them, love marriage, and love love!

Goodnight world :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Plan, plan, plan

A lot has happened this past month!

First... I'm getting married! Alex and I got engaged on the 4th of July. This means I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend, and Emery gets to have an amazing daddy. Doesn't Emery Anne Eversoll just sound perfect? I'm so excited! We're getting married on December 11th, which is coming up REALLY fast. I start school at the beginning of September, and I just know time will fly by at that point - oh my! To top it off, I had a terrible dream about our wedding the other day! I didn't have a photographer (and no one took pictures at the ceremony), no one ate the food at the reception, and we totally forgot about any dancing. AH! So... hopefully none of that happens. :)

Emery is getting so big these days. She got her 7th tooth a few days ago! She has also started climbing EVERYTHING... which means her legs and head are pretty colorful. She is also extremely talkative now, I just wish I could understand everything she is saying. She makes wonderful animal noises though - and she can do The Count from Sesame Street. Oh! And she says "Hi" REALLY well. Everytime I would go into her room when she woke up at night I would say, "Hi"... probably because I was too tired to say much else, but that's what I said nonetheless. Now, however, when she wakes up and I go in there she greets me by saying "HI!" She says this to every person we pass while we're out (shoeless and shady not excluded), it's adorable.

I also just got home from the Usborne National Convention. I am not extremely motivated to get my business going, just when everything else is coming up. Sigh. Busy busy.

Speaking of... I'm sleepy. Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It isn't 4am?

I completely and utterly dislike writing research papers. I'm an English major... so... that's depressing. On the other hand, after this quarter I will hopefully never have to write another prose paper again - yay for creative writing ONLY classes. We'll see if they decide to have me write about ABOUT creative literature... but that just seems silly - and I'll tell them so. In any case, I have a research paper due tomorrow by 3pm, and I'm already done with it! Granted, it still needs some major fixing up, but overall I am happy with it. This is a first for me. I am usually lucky if my paper is done by 4 am (thus the title of this entry) and then I usually get up early in order to do the revisions... which I am able to start doing NOW. Wow. Here's my secret: on my way to Panera today (where the writing magic happens) I prayed that God would give me the ability to get this paper finished, or near finished, so that I could make it to house church and not be stressed out the entire day. Way to answer prayer! i realize the pettiness of that prayer... but I have been so overwhelmed lately that I simply could not help myself - and apparently God couldn't help being amazing.

I leave some time tomorrow for Indiana to visit Alex - I cannot wait! This will be only the second time I have seen him where I did not have deadlines and assignments plaguing my mind. I can relax this weekend and know that I have absolutely nothing to do except enjoy the time with the two people I love dearly.

Now I suppose I must submit myself to the tortures of editing this ridiculous paper I have written. Sigh. By 3:16 tomorrow this will all be over for good!...until my summer class starts on Monday.

Monday, May 31, 2010


It has been a long time since I have kept an internet journal. Remember Xanga? Oh my. Yet, here I am again, typing into cyberspace the goings-on of my life. Although, I suppose I have good reasons behind my actions and therefore am quite secure in my modern day record keeping. You see, Mr, Ms, or Mrs. Reader, I find myself rather busy as of late and sadly unable to keep up with a pen and paper. I am a mommy and I find that I am already forgetting the precious... and not so precious... things that my daughter does on a daily basis. Long story short: I need to be able to document efficiently what is going on, as it is going on, so that I will not look back on this crazy time in life and regret being too preoccupied that memories of my baby were lost.

Why did I explain my reasoning to you? I love to ramble on about perfectly pointless subjects.

As it is 12:32 am this is going to be a short post. Shall we have a brief overview of my current situation? Yes, yes we shall indeed. Why? Because I am REALLY enjoying asking myself questions. :)

I am currently 22 years old (although recently, for some reason, I have been thinking I am 23... I'm not), I'm a single mother to an amazing little girl - Emery Anne, I'm finishing school at Wright State (English-Creative Writing Major), and I'm dating the sweetest man out there - Alex (he lives 3 hours away though, which is the ONLY negative.)

I returned home today from visiting Alex and his family in Indiana - it was a blast. Emery and my mom came with me as well (it was mom's first time meeting his family) and it went really well. We were both nervous about it, understandably, because one can never suppose how such events will play out. Well, events played out perfectly. There were no awkward moments, which is a big deal in my mind. In fact, it was quite the opposite. We all got along as though we had known each other for a long time. The best part of the visit... "Apples to Apples" and ladder ball. I love everyone I have met in his family so far - a huge plus. And, this must be said, during "Apples to Apples," one of the cards was "Imitation" and the description was something like "fake, unnatural, etc." When the dealer (Nick, Alex's brother) was reading what everyone had put down there were two wonderful cards, "Hilary Clinton" and "Bill Clinton." If you know the game then you understand how funny this is that two people put down, basically, the same card. Well, I had put down Hilary and Alex put down Clinton. Soul mates? Yes. Reading that now it does not come as funny as it was in the moment... oh well, I'll still laugh later.

Alright, well, now that I have successfully neglected my homework and my sleep, I think I'll go to bed now. My schedule tomorrow consists of a 10:20-12pm class, a 12:15-2pm class, a 2:20-4pm class, and a 4:20-6pm class. Awesome.

Good night dearies :)