Life, Love, and Bubbles!

Life, Love, and Bubbles!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Going home!

Finally, our hotel stay is coming to an end. It does not seem like we have been here since August 15th!...but we have. Our house is in complete disarray right now... but the bedrooms are looking beautiful. The wallpaper in my room (my moms old room) is now GONE. As wonderful as the floral pattern was, I must say the soft green I picked out (mom doesn't trust her own taste) is gorgeous. It will be so fun to live in that room for the next 2 months... then I'll be moving into the apartment with my husband! So, here is to tomorrow/today and moving back home!/moving in to Granny's house for the weekend, until the house is baby-proof again.

Update on school: I'm almost done. I met with my adviser a few weeks ago and I am good to go for June graduation. The two classes I need after this quarter are both being offered winter quarter (January-March.) Then I will be done with school forever! I can't wait. I am so tired of worrying about deadlines and grades, I just want to worry about taking care of my little family. I have, however, been so blessed by being able to complete my education - so I really can't complain about anything.

Alex update: He started at the Police Academy at the end of September. He's been doing an amazing job, and was appointed one of the squad leaders - I'm so proud of him. I am amazed that he is able to do all of the academy stuff (full-time, tons of work), be a commander in the INDIANA National Guard, and still be with me and Em all the time, and take care of us. I really can't even comprehend his work ethic - he really is my hero. I admire him so much, and am so thankful that Emmy and I have him in our lives. God has really taken care of us, and given us such a wonderful and perfect man! :)

Emery update!: This child is out of control. She is a little teenager, and I am amazed at how person-ish she is now. She understands everything I say to her, and she knows so many words! She has also started showing me what has happened when she hurts herself.
Alex bought her a potty and she is obsessed with it. She made the connection right away that the potty is where "boopie" goes. There have been multiple times where she has said "bobby (potty), boopie (poopy)" and then she goes poopy in her diaper. Gross to some people, but I am so proud of her for making that connection! What an amazing child.
Books are her absolute favorite thing. At the beginning of September I still had to nurse her to put her down for a nap and for bed time. One night I decided to try just reading to her instead... and I haven't had to nurse her at nap/night time since! She nurses when/if she wakes up in the middle of the night, and in the morning. But we're getting there!
She also loves finding "boo-boos." And scrape, cut, or piece of dust that has made its home on bare skin cannot escape her. She points at anything unusual on me or herself and says "booboo?" OH! She actually had on booboo that she has been pointing at for the last few days, a bug bite. Today I looked at it and it was swollen and puffy! Alex and I took her to CVS and they gave us some ointment for it. She made sure that I didn't forget she had a "booboo" there and that it "itch... itch...itch." Cutest baby award, again. I don't know what I will do when she actually gets really injured... if that ever happens. Walking out of CVS I felt a strong urge to buy her about 200 of the cheap stuffed animals they had there - just to make her feel better. I'm never going to have any money with such a toy-deserving child. Sigh.

Alex and I went back to Jared and finalized our decisions on our wedding bands. They are wonderful, we're going to have super sexy fingers :)

The end!